Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Latest adventures!


Ryan and I postponed Valentine's Day this year. I went with my girls to VEGAS while he went and had fun with his guy friends! No worries Valentine's Day will be it is every day for us!

He's a natural

This is my adorable nephew Spencer! He's 15 months old and modling just comes natural!

I see the world through a new light

I started changing and seeing things differently where my father was diagnosed with cancer 5 years ago. I didn't start seeing things in a different light till he passed away December 6, 2008. God works in mysterious ways to let us know He is close to our heart and never far away. My life has since changed in that I'm more observant, I believe more, I care more, I love more, I feel more, I see more, and I hear more. I use to have a plan for everything. I don't now. I live from day to day, moment to moment, to take in everything I can. I know what I want in life and I'm still very motivated but now I see that it's not life to live if you already have every minute of your day planned and scheduled. What happens when the unexpected happens or what happens when those spontaneous adventures arise when you have your life scheduled hour by hour. These elements of surprise of crucial to our development of who we are as a whole and to get a better view of the inside out. I know everyone always says, " You should live your life from day to day like its your last" but how many of us really live our life that way? I am now. Of course there are our priorities that need to come first but live, laugh, love, and expand! This is now my new journey!