Monday, March 14, 2011

Post Surgery

This past week has been a rough and great week all at the same time.  The surgery went well but started out pain free, then went painful, than to tolerable.  I have the most wonderful fiance!  He carried me up the flight of stairs to my apartment after sugery!  After my 30 hour nerve block wore off, I could no longer tolerate the pain meds.  I ended up in the hospital for fluids.  Thank goodness for the many wonderful friends, my mom, and my fiance that my life has been blessed with I was given blessings and ice cream.  I was able to finally eat food and be relieved of pain.  Then mom and I rented a wheel chair and went shopping!  Friday I got my stitches out and had a cast put on!  Now I can walk on my own, well mostly.  I still have to use one crutch due to my ankle still being extremely tender and sore.  They cut a lot more than I thought they would.  I have now been offical branded with my own initial "L".  So now I wear a cast for 6 weeks and then I upgrade to a walking boot for 4-6 weeks and then i'm free to walk on my own!